Do you have a “good enough” kid? What is that you say? Well let me describe the “good enough” kid, because this is a group that I am very passionate about!
The “good enough”kid is the “middle of the road” student. He/she is not the top of the class, and definitely not at the bottom. This kid struggles with academics however does not “qualify” for any type of academic help, and does not fall into any type of diagnostic category in the school system. Some of these kids will be labeled as lazy, not listening, being inattentive, and lacking motivation.
These kids are usually of above average intelligence who are able to compensate for underlying motor and postural problems. These kids produce work that is “good enough”. The problem is, one can’t keep this up forever. These kids have to work twice as hard as their equal intelligence peers to turn in work that is simply “good enough”. These kids are very aware of their deficits, and become self-conscious about their inabilities. Self-consciousness can turn into self-doubt. The kid that once liked school, now hates school. This attitude can easily turn into behavioral problems because in a child’s mind, behaving poorly takes the attention away from looking “stupid”.

So, to the “good enough” kid, I see you...I see you because I was you.
● I see you looking away so the teacher doesn’t call on you.
● I see you covering up your work when other kids walk by.
● I see you being the funny, shy, or bad kid to distract others from your perceived lack of intelligence.
● I see you turning in your test last because you have to re-read it several times for it to make sense.
● I see you turning in your test first, because you don’t want others to see how long it takes you.
● I see you struggling at homework time because you have already spent all of your brain power at school.
To the “good enough” kid, I would like to tell you something. You are not dumb. Your brain is simply not working to its full potential. When you find that “thing” you are passionate about, you will shine from the inside out! So don’t stop trying, keep going even though you have to work harder than anybody else in the room.
If you have a “good enough” kid, there is hope. Your child’s body systems have to work so much harder than they should have to. By the time the brain works so hard to read that word, or solve that math problem, there is little to no brain power left to learn new things, or gain higher skills. These kids can get left behind, but pushed through to the next grade. There is help out there to not only treat the “symptoms” but to get to the root of the problem and make those brain and body systems effortless at doing their jobs...the way it was meant to be.
Contact ReSprout today if you have a “good enough” kid.
By: Emily Reynolds, MSOTR, INPP Certified
(812) 480-0654